I'm a software engineer with a passion for exploration and innovation. I'm always excited to learn about new technologies and explore the latest trends in software engineering. When I'm not working, you can often find me traveling the world and playing tennis.
With over twenty years of experience, I specialize in building and maintaining efficient, reliable, and scalable systems. As an advocate for microservices architecture, I believe in its elegance and the numerous benefits it offers. While it introduces some additional complexity, microservices allow for greater flexibility, easier scalability, and improved fault isolation, resulting in faster innovation and more robust applications, especially when paired with Kubernetes.
Since 2015, I've been actively exploring and working with artificial intelligence. In recent years, we've seen the emergence of advanced AI models that enable us to build applications with features that were once out of reach. My focus is on harnessing these AI models to develop innovative solutions that address real-world challenges.
I have always been passionate about learning and sharing my knowledge with others. I've spoken at several meetups and I am currently writing my first book. I also provide training sessions to companies, helping teams expand their skills in relevant technologies. To share insights and experiences from my work, I maintain this blog and send out 'AI Simplified', a monthly newsletter dedicated to making artificial intelligence concepts and applications accessible to business professionals.